Siyum Hadoros



This year’s Siyum Hadoros was a true display of Kavod Hatorah

With over 1,500 participants, it was an unforgettable evening. The Siyum event featured close to 500 3rd-8th grade Talmidim learning Mishnayos with their fathers, grandfathers and even some great-grandfathers. It was truly heartwarming to experience multiple generations learning together to accomplish one goal of finishing Shas Mishnayos in such a meaningful way.

We had the great Kavod of welcoming and hearing Divrei Chizuk from the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu HaRav Shaul Alter Shlita at our event, and we thank the Rosh HaYeshiva for taking time out of his schedule to join us and be Mechazek our Siyum event.

We were also privileged to hear Divrei Hisororus from Rabbi Hirsch, Rabbi Heinemann, Rabbi Berger and guest speaker Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro. Their words added a beautiful element to the evening, and it was especially inspiring for our children to hear Torah from these esteemed Rabbanim. We truly appreciate the messages which they shared.

The evening was meticulously arranged and planned by Yanki Schapiro of Cube Events and included a special music video created by Avi Dear Visuals, delicious food by Knish Shop, audio and visuals from Eagle Production Co., and music and singing by Mez Productions, Shmueli Ungar and Shira Choir. We thank them all for enhancing the event in such meaningful ways.

See the full highlights, music video, & photo gallery fom the Siyum below!