Agudah Scrip Orders
The Agudah Tzedakah Scrip program is Endorsed and Encouraged by Baltimore’s Vaad Harabbanim
What is Tzedakah scrip?
Tzedakah scrip is given to mishulachim instead of cash or a check. The mishulachim then exchange it at the Agudath Israel of Park Heights for cash. Since it was purchased at a premium, the extra money goes to our school! Scrip is tax-deductible and it ensures that a portion of your tzedakah dollar stays local. This provides an easy way to track your maaser and to always have ready “cash” or “check” to distribute at shul or at your door.
Scrip is always available for purchase or order-pick up at the school’s front desk.
Scroll down for all ordering and pick-up options.
To order:
Call: 410-654-3500 ext. 1088
Use our Secure Payment Form Below
Min. credit card order $50.
To arrange pick-up contact:
• Rabbi Binyamin Zedner 410.654.3500 x 1003
• Harry Spar 410.404.8348 (Ranchleigh)
Also available at these convenient locations (please call first)
• Mrs. Peninah Katz, 3227 Shelburne Rd. 410.358.2893
• Mrs. Kroll, 437 Yeshiva Ln. #3D 410.580.0603
• Mr. Yitzchak Yair, 6708 Cross Country Boulevard 410-365-6600
• Mr. Yitzchok Oratz, Menlo Area, 443.469.1619,
Also available for pickup from Mr. Milworm at 4:30pm Carpool
Advantages of using Agudah scrip:
• Document your maaser – The new IRS tax law states that all donations made by cash or check (even less than $250) must be documented to be claimed as a charitable donation on your tax return.
• Simplify your tzedakah record keeping and distribution
• Keep some of your tzedakah local!
Scrip is sold in the following denominations:
You pay | Meshulach gets | TI gets |
75¢ | 50¢ | 25¢ |
$1.25 | $1.00 | 25¢ |
$3.00 | $2.50 | 50¢ |
$5.00 | $4.00 | $1.00 |
$10.00 | $8.00 | $2.00 |
$18.00 | $14.00 | $4.00 |
$25.00 | $20.00 | $5.00 |